Thursday, May 24, 2007

John: 1, Heather : ~100

How many words can you think of that are synonymous to barf?

So a stomach flu is sweeping SFU (wow a rhyme)
Last night it hit John while we were on stage acting in a skit for one of our events.
He held off long enough to not puke(1) all over the audience but spewed (2) shortly there after...and continued to toss his cookies (3) into the night. Of course, not to be outdone, I had my share of throwing up (4) today, but I think mine is baby :)

In other news...we had our first visit with the doctor here in Burnaby. Things went well. We booked our first ultrasound for June 14th. John thinks its too long to wait, but I will be 21 weeks so I think its a good time. We also heard the heartbeat again. It was my 2nd listen, but John's first. Very exciting. The first time he/she was beating at 160, and this time the heartbeat was 145 so slower. They say a fast heartbeat is a girl and a slow one is a apparently my baby can't decide. :)


Anonymous said...

Fun! About the ultrasound of course, not the ralphing(5), honking (6) or chucking (7) that occured (that's just gross).
Apparantly we're having a "Pat", a "Kris", or a "Terry" too- our baby likes to split it down the middle at 150 every time. We'll see I guess. We should be getting some baby pools going soon; give the Hickey's another reason to compete.
Missing you,
love Erin

Anonymous said...

I have told baby boy Hickey is in the and does not want to wear pink! Think blue.
Love mom

Anonymous said...

I must have been still half asleep. Some the words are missing. Let's try it again.
I have told you that their is a little baby boy Hickey in there.
Who else but a male would cause so much puking!

Raymundo said...

Judy and I miss you Heather and John, Sunday's are just not the same without you two or I should say three. Sorry about all the (8) Ralphing.

Judy said...

(9)Woofing your cooks(short for cookies).Sometimes Madeline has the 'dry heaves'(10).Since Grandmothers are always right,I go with Lee-It's going to be a boy.