Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day


Happy Mother's Day all you mamas!

Today we had a very uneventful day ---my favorite day so far. We went to Mass at 10:30, out for brunch and then back to SFU. The keeners (everyone but John and I) quickly made plans for the day as all the Impacters were at their parishes. John and I decided to have a date-day ---which consisted of a 3 hour nap and a game of scrabble. Party Animals!

In other news ---I guess I celebrated my first mother's day today --although as some what of an impostor as I haven't put in my years work to get a day to celebrate yet. One of the parish teams brought me flowers from Mass so I had 7 carnations pinned on my board today. Very sweet :)

(my mothers day love)


Judy said...

You modest thing! I heard that you dominated at Scrabble! 2 Scrabbles in one game! I'm going to have to practice up this summer so I can have a chance to win when we next play.

Anonymous said...

I think that having your head in a bucket every day pretty much earns you a celebration- Happy Mother's Day!!