Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Raining Men

Hello my loyal fans, friends, and lurkers

Alas it is time for my first post as my blog looks so lame all empty and stuff :P

Nothing much to report from rainy BC. We move to the prisons of SFU fact we are packing and loading while I type this very post.

It has been 6 days since my list puke-fest. Feels like a record...although I once didn't puke for 10 days so thats truly the record. Baby is doing fine, otherwise. :) I need to book an appointment with a BC doctor once I finalize the arrangements with my SK doc.

Peace out dudes!

PS: I promise to be less lame and more hilarious in the future :P


Judy said...

Yes. Puking isn't very funny ever. I was at your apt. today. Looks like they are taking a loose interpretation to the NO FLYERS PLEASE sign. There weren't too many. Anyways, the pigeons haven't moved in while you're gone.

Anonymous said...

Glad you are feeling better. Do you feel a little guilty watching everyone pack and move while you play on the computer?

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you've posted - looking forward to reading about Impact and I love the blog name. You've also inspired me to write about my bodily functions; perhaps a post about my bowel movements would be in order.