Saturday, June 9, 2007

Boy or Girl?

Hello Loyal Readers/ Obligated Family / Danielle the Lurker

So I am officially over the half way mark. I haven't puked since um...I forget, I think Tuesday. But I had a cough and my gag reflex sucks and so I think the coughing caused it. We'll see. Each day is a record.
(20 weeks)

I am still having the rib pain along the lower ribs almost near the diaphragm. I went to a clinic and they checked my lungs and my ribs and said it was either an inflammation of the ribs caused by a virus or pulled muscles from all the barfing. I don't know if I am totally convinced but we'll see. I am going to go to a pharmacist and see if I can take anything for it.

In baby news...we have our first ultrasound on Thursday and we are SO EXCITED!!! We've decided to find out the sex of the which many people are absolutely shocked. What do you think - good idea or bad? Either way - its our baby :P

But this leaves an important question...girl or boy? John and I both think its a boy. I don't have any logic behind it other than a gut feeling (that feels like a pun) But I have a 50/50 chance I guess :)

I haven't felt any concrete kicks yet - lots of fluttering. Also when I sleep on my side and wake up, one side of my stomach is hard and bulges and the other isn't -- so I am convinced thats baby. I had a dream the baby kicked through my belly and all I did was tickles its toes. Weird

So I think this post was perhaps too long to keep your interest but as you maybe can tell - I am feeling more energized these days - maybe the B6?


Anonymous said...

It's a boy.
Love mom

Judy said...

If it is a boy don't let Johnny name him after a video game character.That's all I ask.....

Anonymous said...

Thanks for addressing me personally. I'm touched.

PS - are you going to clus the rest of us in on the results of the unltrasound, or keep it as a surprise?

Anonymous said...

Wow! That's sort of fun! Did you stop taking your multi-vitamin?

Anonymous said...

I'm undecided on the whether you should find out if it is a boy or girl ahead of time. What if they say it's a girl and you get all set for a girl and you find out they were wrong? Are you disappointed?

Hope your side feels better soon.

One of the aunts