Thursday, June 14, 2007

So the verdict is....

We have a baby!

Unfortunately in BC, they won't even check the sex of the baby until 24 weeks (I don't know why) and I am only 21 as far as we know, its a sexless baby :S was still very exciting! I am going to scan the pictures and post them ASAP ok?

Our next doctors appointment is next Thursday to learn more about how he/she/it is doing. Its kind of a weird system because we go to the Ultrasound place and they take all the measurements and data and send it to the doctor who will in turn tell you. Seems kind of odd that the ultrasound guy can't pass on the information right to me...but alas that is how it works. It was fun! Got some hot jelly on my belly and it was swell-y :)


Anonymous said...

Congrats on finding out that you have a baby inside you! Keep us posted as you find out more!

Anonymous said...

So what does ASAP mean to you?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your little Pat.

Anonymous said...

Just checking in for an update...