Thursday, October 4, 2007

Baby's Got Back

So I don't have any belly pictures yet because I find them awkward to take...but I still might - no promises :)

So the rib pain is a little less - well much less painful than the last time I wrote, but still there causing a bother.

In other baby news...3 weeks to go! CRAZY! Apparently, according to our little timeline above, the baby is over 6 lbs! I find that hard to believe - but you never know. I have a feeling I will be late, so maybe the baby is smaller right now.

Anyway, our baby seems to be a bit of a showoff. Lately, every time I go to the doctors for my appointment, before I go in my belly looks normal...but once the doctor enters the room the baby seems to stick its butt out so that I get a giant lump on one side and I barely look pregnant on the other. Its weird. Mooning people already.


Judy said...

Can't wait to hug your baby!

Anonymous said...

So, is the strange behaviour a trait from the father's side, or mother's?

Anonymous said...

Almost there Heather!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, still no baby, eh? You must be what, 10 or 11 months pregnant? Obviously there is nothing left to report since you haven't posted since the beginning of October. Hope you have your baby soon.