Sunday, September 23, 2007

Whine and Cheese

So I just emailed my mom a whiny email that I thought I would pass on to the rest of you :)

The rib pain has hit an all-time high. I went to a chiropractor on Monday and didn't notice any improvement whatsoever - same daily pain as before, and then on Thursday or Friday I was laying on the couch and I stretched my arm and I noticed that the side of my ribs were sore to touch -which had never happened before.

Saturday the pain seemed to get worse and worse and by the end of the day it hurt to move or breath deeply, etc. This freaked me out because up until that point the pain seemed to be fairly random -as in movement never affected it, it just came and went as it pleased. I don't know what triggered the sudden worsening either. We were going to go to the ER but I decided to sleep on it so see if I noticed a difference - had the worst sleep of my life, because I couldn't turn my body without extreme pain.

I went to Mass this morning, still in lots of pain - the area very painful to touch and sore on both the front and back. I went to the walk-in clinic and the doctor told me that he was quite positive the pain had no relation to the pregnancy but like all the previous doctors said that there was nothing to be done until after the baby is born since no x-rays or anything can be given at this point. He told me in the meantime to take Tylenol for the pain (which does very little). So now I am pretty much immobile and in a lot of pain :( We'll see how tomorrow goes as I was hoping to work for one more week at least but in my current situation it doesn't seem possible.

....and now here is the stuff exclusive to this blog:

As far as pregnancy goes though, I am doing pretty good. I am finally getting some decent sleep (except for last night of course) but still generally tired. Starting this week I am going to for weekly doctors appointments until the date. We took prenatal classes over the last 3 weeks and saw very labor and delivery videos. According to John it was one of the worst things he's ever watched -I guess it was more graphic than he expected :S Awkward! We start baptismal prep classes this week. Our baptism is going to be on December 2nd (my dad's birthday) at St Phillip's Parish here in Saskatoon. Normally we wouldn't take the classes until November for that date but the parish director suggested that if we can we might as well take the classes now while we don't have a newborn to take care of. (oh ending a sentence in a preposition - what have a succumbed to?)

Its getting pretty close too so thats exciting. Its been fun learning for my sister-in-law Erin who has a 6 week old baby because everything is fresh with her so she has a lot of advice to pass on (even though she thinks I have an aversion to her baby, Maria - I don't, I'm just shy and much less aggressive than the rest of the family)

I'll try to post the latest belly picture on here "as soon as John gets home with the camera"


Judy said...

Ghengis Khan would look shy next to the Hickey family.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that the rib pain isn't getting better. I really hope this won't be something I succomb to as well, but my emails will be even whinier, guaranteed!